Western Kingbird
Tyrannus verticalis
Breeds in grasslands of southwestern Oregon and in lowlands east
of the Cascades. Most notable are the records from
the Willamette Valley north of Lane County.
Habitat Associations:
Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed (320838 acres)
Northeast Modified Grassland (945476 acres)
Edges of Cropland/Pasture/Orchard (5860008 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-W. Juniper Woodland (141913 acres)
Sagebrush Steppe (4872457 acres)
Salt Desert Scrub Shrubland (490159 acres)
Big Sagebrush Shrubland (9711246 acres)
Northeast Canyon Grass & Shrubland (398627 acres)
Urban/Residential (337675 acres)
Streamside/Wetland Shrubland (500 acres)
W. Juniper Woodland (3501382 acres)
Bitterbrush-Big Sagebrush Shrubland (153185 acres)
Lake/Pond Shoreline & Islands (566504 acres)
Douglas Fir-White Fir/Tanoak-Madrone Mixed Forest (938802 acres)
Ponderosa Pine Forest/Woodland (3826045 acres)
Siskiyou Mtns Mixed Deciduous Forest (152594 acres)
Mountain Mahogany Shrubland (1378 acres)
Low-Dwarf Sagebrush (242771 acres)
Edges of Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest (736776 acres)
Western Oregon Riverine Woodland (23574 acres)
Relative Detectability:
Very easy to spot and to confirm nesting.
Confirm nesting of pairs observed in the northern Willamette
Valley, where historically it bred. Search for additional
breeding locations along the southern coast, and in southern Malheur and
northeastern Lake Counties.